In the TV series NCIS, the protagonist Gibbs brings a code of practice to his team — something to live by — with his set of rules. I have often wondered what my rules or lessons would be?
On reflection, they are encapsulated in the stories and discussions I have had, and still have, with my family around the dinner table.
I have written down some of my favourite life lessons. Most are my own invention (I think) although some may have been derived from readings or conversations with others. A few have attributions where I know that I have used the words of others. The list is evolving so there may be more added as I reflect on my experiences.
Originally I called my list "Life's Rules". However, my colleague, A/Prof Sally Totman-Marshall, suggested that the title would be better called "Life's Lessons". At that point, the title stuck. So, to Sally, thank you.
Never be violent. Remember, verbal abuse is violence.
Never finish the day angry. Resolve your differences first.
You can’t be right all of the time.
Compromise always contains a promise.
If you make a decision, you only make one person happy. If we make a decision then everybody is happy.
A decision is just a step in a new direction.
When making big decisions together, ask how the other person feels rather than what they think.
Don’t worry about things that can’t be changed. They can’t be changed.
Thinking together only takes half the energy of thinking by yourself.
Having an opinion doesn’t mean you are right.
If you’re wrong, you’re wrong. Move on.
It’s better to be wrong now than to be wrong later.
You can take back an unspoken thought but you can’t take back a spoken one.
A solution to a problem is a way forward, not an answer.
Share one of your weaknesses and ask for help to strengthen your resolve.
Find a way to say ‘yes’ rather than a reason to say ‘no’.
Don’t knock yourself out of a race. Race and win, or let someone else knock you out.
You can only control your own actions. You can’t control the actions of others.
Times change. When I grew up all photos were black and white. Now, black and white is a special effect.
Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.
(Randy Pausch)
Good leaders take all of the blame when things go wrong and take less of
the credit when things go right.
(Jane den Hollander)
Reward often comes in many and varied small packages; don’t overlook them in a quest for one large reward.
Good leaders provide a big reward moment for a job well done.
Reward comes from how you feel, not from how you are recognised.
There is music in the noise around you; all you need to do is listen.
Not only must you “do the thing right”, you must always “do the right thing”.
Success is driven by being brave enough to fail.
(Kirk Douglas)
What we strive for is quality, not qualifications. A qualification is only one measure of quality.
I achieve all that is asked of me. If you ask me to excel, then I will achieve that as well.
Opportunity is a great motivator.
There is no such thing as a formula for success, only a successful formula.
If you want to show your worth, you need to show your growth, not just your achievements.
The future is governed, not by what we do now, but by what we do next.
The role of the teacher is to enable the growth of others.
If we listen to history, it will tell us what we should, and should not do, next.
The most important, yet least used communication technique, is listening.
The key to building a high-performing team is to listen to their unspoken words.
Because you can, doesn’t mean you should: but when you should, do what you can.