Canada & Alaska - 2014

Day 24: Inside Passage Fri Jul 11, 2014

We sail south following the Inside Passage again but this time back towards Vancouver. As we follow the coast we see a different landscape slip by on our final day at sea. This afternoon we met with our tour group one last time. This evening we will have our final night on board and faced that enormous task of getting our suitcases ready for departure.

Dawn from our balcony in the Inside Passage Geoff and Jackie at the farewell John and the farewell ?? and Gary at the farewell Lily and Jim at the farewell Kaye at the farewell Ivan at the farewell
Laurel at the farewell The shoreline of the Inside Passage One of the beacons in the Inside Passage Sunset beginning over the Inside Passage Inside Passage hills bathed in sunset Sunset progressing Sunset progressing further as the ship sails on
The sun sinks behind the hills The sunset deepens The moon rises Trees silhouetted on the ridge The sun disappears    

Copyright © Malcolm Campbell 2014